專題討論10:高血脂的治療 --- 愈低愈好嗎?
Management of hyperlipidemia --- The lower the better?

程 序 表

Pros: The lower the better with whatever we can do!
高雄醫學大學 附設中和紀念醫院心臟血管內科

  The risk of cardiovascular disease has been reported to have a linear relationship with LDL levels. Additionally, the currently recommended LDL target goal of 70 mg/dl does not diminish the CV risk entirely leaving behind some residual risk. With the new advancements in clinical medicine, it has now become possible to bring down the LDL levels to as low as 15 mg/dl using PCSK9 monoclonal antibodies alone or in combination with statins. Various studies aiming to lower the CV risk and mortality by lowering LDL levels have demonstrated encouraging results. The current challenge is to explore this arena to redefine the target LDL levels, if required, to avoid any suboptimal treatment.